Our Stuff


Things To Inspire

I'm always on the look out for anything "Flea Market" "Do it Yourself" or "Thrifty Style Decorating" magazine, so you can just about imagine how excited I was when i discovered this one at the local grocery store.  At first, I was leery about spending $10 on a magazine, but after much debate (with myself in the produce section) I decided it was something I couldn't live without, so I treated myself, and am, oh so glad I did!  I devoured it as soon as I got home.  I locked my bedroom door, shut out the kids, the dogs and got comfortable (in my pajama bottoms and over sized sweatshirt, cause when I say comfortable, I mean comfortable). Cover to cover, page to page, I couldn't put it down. Not, only did it have wonderful and innovative ideas, it had some fantastic websites, blog sites and information (I've listed a couple of them at the end of this post).  I love taking the time to read books & visit other creative web sites. It gives me such a boost of enthusiasm. Sometimes I even take a computer day.  Computer day?  Yep, that's what I've named it and this is how it works...During the month I collect different books from the library, and gather different magazines that catch my attention.  I pile them on my nightstand, until they are about to topple over, and then, just before the stack hits the floor, I read. I grab my notebook and dive in.  I collect ideas, web-pages, blog-spots anything that is of interest and jot it in the notebook.  Then, when i have down time, say at a lacrosse game, soccer game, dentist appointment etc....(and yes, i know, it's pretend down time, but you've got to make it when you can) I pull out the notebook and check out a few websites.  I also keep the notebook full of drawings and ideas to give me inspiration when I am stuck on a piece.  Someday, I will write my own book, but until then, I blog!

Oh, and just a side note: "What do you do with all those magazines" you ask? They go into a huge box in my studio and are clipped apart for various collage & journaling projects. Waste not, I always say! But this magazine has earned a spot on my desk shelf, where I can refer back to it often!

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