Our Stuff


The Syracuse Arts & Crafts Examiner

Recently I was awarded the position of The Syracuse Arts and Crafts Examiner for an online publication called the Examiner. If you follow me on Face Book you probably already knew this, but if you don't, well sit back and be prepared to be dazzled! Hahahaha! Really though, it's kind of a big deal. I actually get paid to write about Arts & Crafts, Artists & Crafters! It doesn't get any sweeter than that!

In addition to writing about people, I'll also be writing about great craft ideas, awesome craft books & interesting websites, all in a variety of mediums. I'll be listing all local craft events, arts & craft shows, and local studios & galleries. Pretty much anything you can think of in regards to this venue!

I'm so excited to be able to be doing this. I'll still be posting on my blog, because the Examiner is about the bigger stuff, the blog is all about me! LOL!

If you have the opportunity please stop by the site http://www.examiner.com/arts-and-crafts-in-syracuse/crafts-for-your-pet hit the subscribe button under my name, type in your e-mail address (you aren't limited to Google or Yahoo like with the blog) and your finished.  Anytime I load an article you see it first, delivered right to your (e-mail) mailbox!

If you have any ideas, stories, web pages, books etc... that has to do with crafting, or know of anyone locally (Central NY), that is an artist or crafter, please send them my way! Either post here, e-mail me: thedpb@gmail.com or find me on Face Book under the Decorative Paintbrush!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary,
    I just saw you had become a follower of my blog and stopped by to check yours out. I can't believe you're local! Congrats on being given the writing position on the examiner. I never heard of it before, but now that I have I went and subscribed to your articles and bookmarked the site so I can get back there again.
    I hope we get to meet up someday around town!


Thanks for visiting my blog! Hope you enjoyed it. Please leave your email if you require a response or email me at: thedecorativepaintbrush@gmail.com I love hearing from you and will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for stopping in~Mary