Our Stuff


Designer Garden Guest Spot

Hey Everybody! I have been invited to be the guest writer over at Designer Garden today and I am stoked! How much fun is that, to be able to run my mouth about painting furniture on someone else’s page, and get this...she actually asked me! I didn’t have to force her, bribe her, nothing! She just saw a piece of my work and liked it, how cool is that!

see the transformation!

Seriously, Sommer is a total doll, and I am honored that she let me share my newest piece with her and her followers, so please click on this link: Designer Garden and see how I transformed this blah piece of furniture into something sophisticated and funky! While you’re there, why not check out all her great stuff as well; Rocking makeovers, straight-up tutorials, amazing before and afters! You name it, she’s done it, so why not even think about becoming a follower of hers as well, so you don’t miss a single entry!

Remember to tune back in here in a week or so, I have some wonderful pieces I’m working on…just take a peek. See ya soon!

1 comment:

  1. Mary you flatter me lol. And I cannot wait to see what you do with the little dresser/cupboard! OMG how cute is that little thing?! Thanks again for your amazing guest post, it was so much fun to show you off :P


Thanks for visiting my blog! Hope you enjoyed it. Please leave your email if you require a response or email me at: thedecorativepaintbrush@gmail.com I love hearing from you and will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for stopping in~Mary