Our Stuff


Garage Sale Lovin'

Two weeks ago we had a garage sale. We had been procrastinating about it for awhile. We knew the guy across the street would be getting ready for his annual whoopla soon and we always tried to coincide ours with his, problem was we never quit made it, but this year we were determined. We had been stocking up like squirrels on crack; our living room looked like an episode of Hoarders gone bad. Do you ever notice when you tell someone you’re having a garage sale all of a sudden you inherit their garbage too? But the scary thing is when I went to my Moms to get her “junk” half of it I wanted to keep! Ugh! I have a problem people! Really who needs 2 George Foreman Grills! Hahaha!

Seriously, I didn’t keep the grill but there were some nice lamp shades I scored, as well as some other interesting salvage. So, after a weeklong frenzy of moving, cleaning, tagging, and setting up we were ready for business. It was great because we set up shop in the driveway and got a lot of painting done for our upcoming show while we waited on customers in between, win/win. The lady across the street opened up her garage too, so we drew even more people in, I mean we were rocking, people!

Then it happened… (Cue the cheesy music da, da, da!) I saw her (or them I should say) from across the street. They stole my heart (and my profit, almost) but I had to have them! I made a mad dash across the road. Okay, let’s be real, I’m a bigger woman, I don’t make a mad dash for anything unless it’s smothered in butter, but I wanted that furniture! I was like Daffy Duck in that one cartoon where he grabs the pearl in the oyster and says, “Mine, mine, all mine!” I even knocked some old lady out of the way to get to it! This bad boy was for me and no one else! I would have arm wrestled my own grandmother for it! It was that spectacular! Unfortunately, I had to leave her sister. I wasn’t sure I wanted to spend the money (and I spent the next day and half pining away for her from across the street. Secretly sending daggers at anyone who went near her).

All right, so back in my driveway, even though I was working on other pieces I quickly tossed them aside (sorry chairs) and sat her front and center. I had a bit of an idea of what I wanted to do with her but I wanted to see what you guys thought. Within minutes of posting my last blog someone (thanks Renee!) wrote back clouds! BINGO! That totally connected with what I was thinking and I ran with it (although the fish idea was pretty cool too). I had also seen a cool plastic plate while grocery shopping (inspiration everywhere, right!) and knew black and white harlequins would be fantastic along the base.

So, without further a due her she is….

And just in case you were wondering…I did go back and get her sister at the end of the garage sale extravaganza. No one had purchased her (she was meant to be mine I think) and I was able to talk my neighbor down in price. So, I did wind up investing a good chunk of our sales back into furniture (big surprise there, right? But I figured with the Syracuse Arts and Crafts Show coming up at the end of July, God willing, I might be able to make that back ;D

Here’s my next project on deck, a custom order, a dresser and bench for a client’s teenage daughter. This will be tricked out in black, white, hot-pink, and iguana green, with funky flowers, stripes polka dots, hearts and wings! You won’t want to miss it!

I will be sharing with these link parties, just click here to get back to your designated page!

Happy Painting!



  1. Love it! Of course, we were having a Vulcan Mind-Meld. Duh! I love it! It is amazing. Like you.

    Goosebumpery fabulous.

  2. Oh my gosh! You are A-mazing! Love, love, love the new table.. the tree scene is Awesome! No wonder you love garage sales.. you turn trash into treasure!

  3. I have to say that mad dash was well worth it to turn out a piece like that....fantastic. I love it.

  4. Siiiigh...swoooon...flippin' FABULOUS...again!!

  5. Ladies! I can't tell you how much y'all make me smile! Thanks you so much for your amazing compliments! Much love!

  6. Oh Mary. Changin' it up. Love that. The addition of scenic panels is inspired. I'm a fan forever.

  7. That may be one of the coolest things I've ever seen! I would love it if you would link up to my Tuesday Confessional link party going on now: http://www.craftyconfessions.com/2011/07/tuesday-confessional-link-up-2.html. I hope to see you soon!
    ~Macy from Confessions of a SAHM

  8. i LOVE that second table with the tree in bloom! it is beautifully painted!

  9. omg, just stop it! Srsly??? diggin the scene painting on top/sides and then of course it has everything else I LOVE...black and white, diamonds, orange, coral, green, stripes!!...I've enlarged every pic, just to drink it all in...FAB!!!!

  10. So alive! Absolutely reminds me of "Sans Parapluie", with the gorgeous colour scheme! Beautiful. I've been planning to do a similar paint treatment, just have to find the right piece!

  11. I'm a new follower, here from the Thursday hop. I hope you'll follow me back at www.weidknecht.com!

  12. Mary--what a great looking table! I so hope that it sells very quickly!


  13. Wow! I love this. Thank you so much for linking up.

  14. Amazing transformation!!! Well done!

  15. Gorgeous and Amazing!!! Newest follower from the Thrifty Thursday Blog hop... would love for you to consider following me back xo


  16. Sooo MacKenzieChilds!! I'm a huge MC fan so I clearly love LOVE it. You did a fabulous job!

  17. AMAZING!! You are crazy talented. Love it. WoW!!

  18. Oh, my goodness! This is adorable and aren't you the most talented one! I love it!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  19. This must be your best piece yet!
    And I'm so glad you got the sister! It pained me to see her there all alone...

  20. It has that Mackenzie Child feel. Nice transformation!

  21. I love a happy ending - you got the orphaned sister and at a reduced price.

  22. Oh wow pretty! I love how you found the matching one!

  23. Here from Flamingo Toes linky party... Amazing! I wish I was clever with paint!!!

  24. Here from Flamingo Toes linky party... Amazing! I wish I was clever with paint!!!

  25. Hi,
    I found your blog through Made By You Monday at Skip To My Lou. You are so talented. You should be so proud of this piece. I think that when people do re-fashioning of furniture pieces - this is what they are looking for!
    I am following your blog now and would love a "follow back" if you have time. Good luck at the show at the end of this month. I am sure you will so well. Come see me at www.cookieandclaire.blogspot.com

  26. I saw this somewhere in blog world and meant to comment then. Anywho...this is AMAZING and I am blown away by your TALENT!


  27. just spectacular! thank you for sharing and the wonderful photos are great

  28. That is wonderful! Please add my link to your list, and be sure you follow the rest of my guidelines. Thank you.

  29. Mary - You are SO talented!! I am glad that I found your Blog (with your help)!! What beautiful pieces! I am now a follower!

  30. WOW!! I Love that!! I'm going garage saling this weekend! lol. :) What a very good job you did! Would love if you'd stop by my blog sometime too! :)

  31. OMG! Amazing this might be one of the unique pic of yours right,
    all the things are really marvelous and not to make easily.
    our painters too do such great thins ..........................

  32. New follower - think I jumped here from Funky Junk. Love your furniture! So happy and festive.

  33. Absolutely beautiful! I love color and can never figure out how to pull it all together, but looking at this piece inspires me to at least try.

  34. You got it girl. Mary your combinations of colour and pictures are stunning.
    Love it.

  35. Mary, your work is lovely, funny and full of life!
    I do some creations too.
    Kisses from Brazil.

  36. Oh wow pretty! I love how you found the matching one.online bed sale UK


Thanks for visiting my blog! Hope you enjoyed it. Please leave your email if you require a response or email me at: thedecorativepaintbrush@gmail.com I love hearing from you and will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for stopping in~Mary