Our Stuff


MKC Squared

How many of you made New Year’s resolutions last night? Okay, I’m raising my hand too! Glad to see I’m in good company.  I have a lot-A LOT! For business and personal. Like thousands of Americans what tops my personal list (pretty much every year) is losing weight. 

BUT as far as my business one…this year it’s writing. 

I have two romance novels in the works (one completed, one cruising a long) I’m also illustrating a book of poetry with my teenage daughter (when we started this project things were light and airy but the more I lose her to teenager land the more Gothic and dark things become, so I might have to wait till she grows out of this).

 I’m also working on an e-book about painted furniture (Guess you didn't see that one coming).  Not sure who would buy it, but it isn't necessarily about the money-it’s just a goal of mine-and if I make money doing it-icing on the cake (see full circle back to my personal goal-food reference alert). 

Another writing goal; keeping my blog current, which means posting at least 2xs a month, hopefully every week. I’d also like to do more tutorials-I’m all about sharing my secrets (If you ever want to know how to achieve a certain look, let me know, I’ll tell ya!)

So, without further ado here is my first post of the New Year, a short tutorial no less. Seems as if I’m headed off on the right track-Let’s see how long I can keep up with this goal :D

I had a client find me through a previous customer.  With all the craziness of the holidays though, I forgot to take a "before" picture. Obviously, you can see I remembered after I had applied the first coat of paint.

This fantastic lady wanted courtly checks, just like that famous black and white check designer we all know and love! Well, to be honest, I had never duplicated MKC’s black and white courtly checks.  Sure, we've all done black and white checks, but just like MKC? I was nervous, but I never shy away from a painting challenge. So, I said sure, I’ll do it.  She had several other pieces at home that she wanted to match this little plant stand too.

This is how I did it, if it helps great! First, I painted my base coat in a cream color, then I mapped out my squares.

Once the base coat was dry I colored in the alternating squares with one coat of black.  While the black was still wet I poured my blue and gold paints into a small container (I probably poured way too much in, I tend to do that, but you only need a dime size) remember you’re only using a tiny bit.  You’re trying to create the streak; you’re not full on painting.

So, with a dry brush dip your end in a little bit of blue and gold. 

Then streak it through the black paint.

Now, what you don’t want to do is try and keep streaking it, because then you just get a green square, like this.  

Easily corrected though, just go back in with a little more black to cover it up.  Again, the trick is not to use too much paint and have your streaks go in the same direction on every black square.

Then go into the white/cream squares and drag a little gold going in the opposite direction of the streak in the black square. You don’t have to do every square, sometimes less is more.

When finished your top should look like this. I must give some credit to my friend Lucy from Lucy Designs, who shared some of her techniques with me too.  See ya'll, share the love!

To fancy it up a bit and make it more MKCish, I decided to paint a finial and some small wooden balls to add to this piece.  I always feel like a good finial adds whimsy. 

This is the final product. 

      Have a wonderful 2013! I’ll be seeing you soon with even more inspiration and tutorials.  If there’s something you’d like to see shoot me an email and let me know-I’ll try really hard to put it up!  

And hey, while you're waiting for the next post why not follow me here at my other spots! Pinterest, FaceBook or Twitter

Thanks again for all your kind words and accolades, they really make my day!  Much love and peace friends! Let this New Year ROCK!

Happy Painting, Mary


  1. Love it! Always a work of art. Happy New Years!

  2. How pretty. And I love the tutorials. Thanks

  3. Love you. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful article.

    rajasthan paintings

  4. Looks great Mary! You ROCKED those checks!


  5. Um....the only person I know of *famous* for black & white checks is Mary Engelbreit. So who is MKC? I'm stumped.


Thanks for visiting my blog! Hope you enjoyed it. Please leave your email if you require a response or email me at: thedecorativepaintbrush@gmail.com I love hearing from you and will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks for stopping in~Mary