Our Stuff


A New Family Heirloom

I get excited whenever I have the opportunity to take something old and worn, and turn into a beautiful heirloom.  I especially love when someone challenges me with a color palette that I normally don't work with.

Benjamin Moore Paints

Now, I must admit when Diane first gave me her color palette I was a bit perplexed as to how I would make them all come together into one cohesive piece of furniture. As with anything that is out of my comfort zone-I procrastinated.

When I’m stuck, I always go to my Pinterest page first for inspiration.  It has thousands of painted pieces that I've collected, that I often refer to, to get my brain moving.  
Although, there is a variety of pieces on this page I am often drawn to a particular “style”. One such furniture artist that I admire, A LOT,  is Linda, from Funky Furniture.   I love the way she uses flowers as funky design elements.

Table by Funky Furniture
They are sort of like “Mandalas” Mandalas are very spiritual forms of design. 

I've used a Mandala once before in another piece (see the tutorial here) and knew I wanted to try it again. 
So, with all these different components coming together I knew I had what I needed to create a uniquely designed piece for my customer.

While I was at it I finished a chair for her as well. It used a similar color palette.  

The chair was a bit simpler, a bit more feminine, but would fit perfectly in her bedroom. 

Do you have a piece of furniture that you've redone recently? Post it on my Face Book page so that we can all be inspired!


  1. I like the chair a lot. Don't know if I'd be happy with the chest since there are more colors than were in the palette, particularly the black checkboard.

  2. Your work is absolutely stunning! Love, love, LOVE the chest! Beautiful.

  3. Well Bonnie, you can't please everyone I guess :D But I'm glad you liked the chair. The black and white checks were actually her idea since she has quite a few pieces already with the checks, so I think I'm safe there. And believe me I was tame with color, lol! I could have added way more-but I'm hoping she likes it. We shall see :D

  4. Love what you did! It looks so fun and bright :-) The front is beautiful.

  5. Greetings! I saw you on "Be Colorful" and was so impressed that I came to visit. Beautiful job! You are very talented.
    P.S. I'd love to know how you 'start out' with doing something like this, all of your lines are so straight, etc!

  6. Love the chest. All of your work is fantastic!


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