Our Stuff


Cathy's Corner

I have an absolutely wonderful client!  The kind of person, as an artist, you can only dream about.  We have been working together for just about a year now on tons of projects.  She LOVES my work and I am forever grateful for that. The best thing about Cathy is that she always, and I mean always, gives me the artistic license to do whatever I want.  I try to nail her down on a basic color scheme, but other than that she says,  "I completely trust you!  My husband says, 'when you find someone who knows what they're doing, just move out of their way and let them do their thing.' So, I'm getting out of your way."

 Totally LOVE her!

SO, I'm going to start by sharing some of the smaller pieces I did for her, then share the largest piece (or shall I say a set) I've ever done. First off was a pair of very old, very worn out school desks.

 Both desks were extremely worn out.  I had to sand them and prime them several times.  The marker/ink/sharpie on the top kept bleeding through.  But after 3 coats of primer, it seemed pretty much under control.  Although the chairs were greatly worn they did not require as much prep work.

She had another small desk set for me next.  This used to be her mothers (I believe) as a child and she wanted to redo it for her grandchildren.  It was going to be passed on to her son, and first grandson so I stuck to a more masculine feel. Although really the patterns and color choices could have worked in any nursery/playroom.

The next item was for her youngest daughter who was soon to be a teacher.  She had seen a picture on my Facebook page of another reading/teacher chair I had done for another client and wanted one for her daughter.  She had a rocker she found and brought it down to me.

Next was 3 small rocking horses that her father had made for her 3 children when they were little.  With such sentimental value she didn't want to get rid of them now that her children were grown but hated them sitting in the basement too.  So...you guessed it, she brought them to me for a much needed face lift!  I have only had the chance to finish one completely.  The other two were put on hold for the biggest project yet.

Her daughter-in-law loved giraffes and asked if I could incorporate one into the horse someplace, so I did just that, right on the seat.

Now, drum roll please, here is the largest project I have done to date.  A six piece (5 + a cutting block) kitchen/dinning room set.  Again it was her mothers set and she wanted to pass it down to her children, but knew in the state it was in no one would want it.  

First, it was the butcher block.

A choice to do a simple faux finish on the sides with plain robins egg blue, highlighting the checkered door and diamond patterned door was perfect.  I switched out the out dated handles and swapped them out for more rustic, heartier handles.  She didn't want the top painted, so I left it neutral.  This piece would set the stage for the next 5 pieces that followed.

Then came the pedestal.  She kept the top in Rochester with her and had a gentleman refinish the top in just a plain stain and varnish.  The base was a beast.  She didn't like the original pedestal and searched high and low for one that fit just perfectly with the other pieces.  I was thrilled because this one was much more exciting to paint in comparison.

Each piece as it was finished was transported back to Rochester. I had never seen them (only in my head) all together.  BUT yesterday-she sent me a picture of all the items together, set up and ready to welcome guests! I was so excited to see them!

So that's that for now! At least what I've finished. I've still got 2 rocking horses, 2 rockers, one rather large chair and a desk set, plus she's bringing more down this week.  Like I said in the beginning-LOVE THIS LADY!

Please, check out my other social media sites and follow along there if you'd prefer!  I'm on Facebook Instagram and Pinterest!  Loads of creative and colorful quotes, pictures and inspiration! So check it out!

Have an amazing week!



  1. Fabulous as usual! Have you tried shellac for a base coat? That is my favourite for blocking knots and stains, etc.

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  4. What kind of primer, paint and protective coat paints do you use?

    Beautiful work!!! I want to try something myself -- like a chair, but I want it to be durable and I don't really have the skills. Just want to see what I can do with an old piece of furniture.

    Thanks, Cindy

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