I had an amazing trip to Provincetown this past week! On a personal note…I got married! LOL! Again! To the same person but it was still very romantic! (Check out my other blog http://2moms5kids.blogspot.com for more details). And although that was the highlight of my trip, the inspiration for creativity was a very close second.
Whenever I go anyplace, I look at it as sort of an adventure. I always have my handy bag full of goodies to create with, and or read, AND I ALWAYS HAVE MY CAMERA. My camera is like an appendage of my body. It’s not just to take pictures of the people I love for a family photo album, it’s a creative tool!
When looking through a lens you see the world in a whole new light. Everything becomes inspiration for your next creative project. The simplest flower, some rocks, the sky, even a line-up of chairs becomes art.
While on vacation our car needed some repairs, and if we didn’t get them fixed, I’m not sure we would have made it back to NY. Where most people would complain (and I did a little) I saw this as an opportunity. So, I grabbed the two most important things; my credit card and my camera, and off we went on the half a mile truck into town.
On the way I took pictures of everything and anything that moved me in a certain way. A shadow, a fence post, a flower (and there were plenty of them), a sign and who wouldn’t be inspired by small glimpses of the ocean between Cape Cod houses! That trip down Commercial St. became a wonderful experience (even though my feet were killing me, never hike in flip flops).
On our last night there, Maggie and I raced from spot to spot trying to capture the last sunset of our trip. It was huge and had the most amazing colors blazing through the sky. I knew I wanted to capture it from one vantage point on top of this hill, but by the time we reached it, the sun had set. I was pretty bummed about it, but still captured the radiating sky that the setting sun had left behind. Oh, well perhaps next year.
Next time you go out of the house, don’t leave without the camera! You never know what you might miss. Let the world around you inspire you!
Congratulations !!! not only on your 'second' marriage but on those wonderful pictures of your trip.I adore colour and those rainbow chairs were gorgeous. I hope one day to revisit New England as it is my ideal location to daydream about which part I will buy a cottage when I receive my lottery winnings.I am off for a day at the seaside tomorrow and yes, I will take my camera. Sheila
I can see why these chairs inspired you! And I am so glad that you had the love of your life there with you for inspiration! Congratulations on tyin' the knot. You're stuck with each other now! :-)
Hi, I'm Meme from Screaming Meme..I stumbled upon your blog! I wanted to stop in and give you a warm welcome...and personally invite you over to Screaming Meme...It is a Interior design blog...I look forward to following your blog! Meme
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